Thursday, September 2, 2010

No Mommy Pictures

I took these pics the night before last I think...yeah. We had pork chops and beets and she loved the beets as you can plainly see.

I got this pillow at Costco for Grace yesterday. She likes it although its pretty huge and poofy. But so cute with the numbers and Winnie the Pooh characters.

Last night I slept cruddy. I was tossing and turning all over the place and I think I was keeping Daddy up and he was keeping me up. I totally overslept this morning and felt like I was draggin all day. I don't know what it is lately but this week I have been in a weird mood. Like for instance I have been totally disinterested in dinner, eating it or cooking it. And so I get home and just want to feed Grace and then go to bed myself. Also I keep saying I am going to get belly pics but dont have the desire or energy. I have had more heartburn lately and have been trying to keep my late night dessert snacking to right after I put Grace down around 8pm otherwise it adds to my discomfort. I am a tired, uncomfortable, grouchy pregnant mess. I slipped on dog slobber tonight in the hallway and had a mini meltdown because it scared me and daddy too! He was in the kitchen and didn't see me just heard me yelp and came running. Poor Grace she probably was like, "Mommy?" Then when I was trying to change Grace my arm was stinging and I looked and had like wall burns on my forearm. I honestly dont remember getting them. It just sucks being so huge and clumsy and waddling everywhere and being out of breath all the time.
Ok thats where I am stopping I am done venting about being pregnant. I am going to get off the computer, watch some junk TV and then possible take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow is Friday and this weekend we are going to can some peaches, maybe go to the drive in theatre since its cooling down a bit here, clean, grocery shop, laundry and relax. What about you all? Anything fun?

1 comment:

Beth said...

I'm sorry you are feeling crummy. So glad that you did not hurt yourself when you slipped. Honey, I pray you will get a good night's sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow. Maybe this weekend, you can get some naps or at least put your feet up and read. I love you!