Monday, October 25, 2010

These are my Children....

....aren't they incredibly precious? I know its been awhile sense I updated my blog with some pictures and what we have been up too. Well Friday we went back to the dr and he cleared our sweet boy from the jaundice and we didn't even have to have another blood test. Pepaw sent this blankie to Aaron so he could have one just like Grace! Its so cute and I had to take a pic of him in the bouncer chair with it over him just like Grace as well.

Today we received a sweet gift for Aaron and Grace (can't leave big sister out) from their Great Auntie and Uncle. So I had Grace say Thank You and hug and kiss her lil lamb she got. So in the first pic she is saying Thank You (she actually was).

And here she is giving it a big hug and if you look close you can see her pig tails!

Grace loves her new brother and loves to kiss him good night or good morning and then rub his head. Sometimes we have to be a lil careful about pulling on his tiny hands and arms but she wanted to hold him yesterday morning so we took some pictures.

Aren't they adorable? Well I adore them anyway!

Tomorrow we have Aaron's official 2 week check up at noon, although he will be 2 weeks old on Wednesday. On Friday his weight was 6 pounds 12 ounces so hopefully he will be back up to his birth weight. He has been bursing for longer periods of time.
Last night it snowed! We had driven down to Kents mom house to celebrate his cousins birthday. And it was cold all day and rainy too, on Saturday and Sunday. Around 3 am I was up with Aaron and the storm was raging! It sounded like it was hailing and the wind was just going. Sure enough the grass was covered with snow this morning.
Supposedly it is supposed to get nicer by the middle of the week, so I am hoping to go to a pumpkin patch or corn maze on Wednesday.
As for me I got to get to bed kinda early because I felt wiped out this morning. And had a small sinus headache most of the day. I did have plans to take a hot bath and a nap while Grace and Aaron were napping today. However that didn't happen, well the nap anyways. I ate lunch, had a nice hot bath on a cold fall blustery day. Then went to crawl into bed when my lil man started to fuss. I think he may have wanted to snuggle because I picked him and soothed him and then he was fine. Of course that meant Grace had to wake up early from her nap!
Aside from being tired I am feeling good and practically back into my skinny jeans! Yay! The scales says I am at my prepregnancy weight but I think the uterus still has some shrinking to do before I get back into those jeans. Maybe another week? It will be nice to be able to wear normal clothes again!
Well my early bed time is slipping away...gotta jam!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bilibeds and the Park

So we went to the dr on Tuesday and they took Aaron's blood and his bilirubin levels were 18.6 so they had HomeCare deliver the Bilibed. He has had to be in it all the time unless he is getting changed or nursing. Boo it sucks. But since its Thursday today he does look better and less jaundice. Our appointment is tomorrow morning at 9:40 so I am hoping that after they test his blood tomorrow that we are done with the bed. It is just a major pain.
I think it was Monday we went to the park and Grace LOVES the park and she is always saying, "Slide?". She can climb the stairs and do almost everything at the park by herself. She loves it. Here she is climbing up the twisty slide, this one she can't climb up as well but she loves trying!

I love how the static made her hair stick straight out like a mad scientist!

She was so tickled!

Daddy was testing out my Moby Wrap and had our lil boy in it. I wish I had gotten a closer pic of Grace and Aaron because they had on the same green!

He was just as content as could be. He pretty much just eats and sleeps right now. Occasionally he has some awake time, but not like Grace did, she tended to look around a lot when she was a newborn.

Here she is climbing the stairs to one particular metal slide she loves. She just goes up and down and around and around with this slide!

These things don't actually ride back and forth they are too stiff but she can get up there all by herself and she likes them. Of course she kept staring at all the kids playing.

Well that is the update for now. Grace of course is up early from her nap so that puts a wrench in my quick nap I was going to take! Oh well I actually went to bed semi early last night and will try to go to bed even earlier tonight.

Monday, October 18, 2010

1st Shpping Trip

I took this yesterday when we had t run into the grocery and grab a few things. Isn't he just so adorable?? I have some pictures of Grace on my camera that I need to upload. Aaron is looking a lil jaundice and since the dr said to watch for that I have an appointment scheduled with the peditrician tomorrow morning. Grace was a lil jaundce when she left the hospital but we didn't have to use any lights with her. He wasn't jaundice when we left but I decided to call the peditricians office today and see what they said. Since I haven't felt there have been any issues with feeding (aside from the normal trying to get our schedule right) the dr said to come in tomorrow morning.

You know what I have to get down though?? Changing a lil boys diaper is a lot tougher for me than a girls!!! LOL! I still haven't found a technique to avoid changing his clothes yet....Oh I hear him now time to go!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gaze into my eyes...

Ok so another short post tonight. That last one, well you can tell I was interrupted! I wanted to put these pics up of Aaron with his eyes open. I took them with my phone and they turned out pretty good I think.
I am so in love with this adorable son of mine. I think he may have his nights and days mixed up. Last night we were up about every two hours and he slept a lot today. Hopefully after a few days we can maybe switch that around. We both slept for a good nap late this afternoon, which was nice and I didn't realize I needed it until I woke up and was feeling wiped!
After our nap I thought he looked a lil jaundice, so I am going to watch him and nurse him a lot and try to put him in the sun tomorrow. My milk has come in so that is good, although he likes to nurse mostly on just one side, before passing out into a milk coma! LOL! He totally has daddy's long fingers and toes. Also I am pretty sure he has dad's dimples too!
He is so snuggly and I love to just hold him and smell his sweet newborn baby smell.
Grace is doing really well with him and still loves kissing him. Grace is so cute! Tonight I was changing her diaper and of course we were having our usual tantrum because she hates having her diaper changed and also knows that, that means bedtime is coming soon. So I was talking to her about how wouldn't it be nice if she wanted to potty train. So she nods her head and says potty. So since she was diapered yet we went in and sat on the big potty. We pulled hers over for a step stool and she climbed up and down and sat on the toilet several times. And said something to the effect of, "I go on the big potty" Several thousand times! She never really went only tooted twice, but she thought she was pretty hot stuff to say the least!
We bought these flash cards for her at the same time we bought her stroller. They show pictures of different things and have the word printed on the back. It says its for ages 4-6 years. She can name almost 90% of thos pictures. And that is something she has been liking the last few days. Just wish she wouldn't bend the cards! Ha!
Well time to tend to my lil boy! Nite Nite!

Friday, October 15, 2010

What we have been up too...

Ok So I am going to try to make this a short post. :) Tuesday night Daddy and I went to bed and at 1:40 in the morning I bolted awake because my water broke. And seriously it was like the movies! With Grace I had been feeling contractions before I had noticed my water broke partially. This time I was laying there, asleep and felt a sudden goosh of water like a cupful! I sat straight up and my pajama pants were soaked!

Daddy was already awake because he wasn't sleeping very well, and so we turned the light on and started talking about going into the hositpal. Grandma came up to stay with Grace and the dogs and we got checked in around 330 in the morning. We chilled out till about 8am, sleeping and relaxing. I wasn't having bad contractions and was going to try and not have an epidural. Because my water had broken they didn't check me to lessen the risk of infection. At about 8 the nurse came in and said that my Dr wanted to put me on pitocin because my contractions weren't really progressing like they thought. Daddy and I had a conversation about that and then we decided to go ahead with the pitocin slowly to try to get my contractions regular and about 3 min apart. Daddy left at about 9:25 to eat some breakfast before the cafeteria closed at 930 and during the time my contractions were getting stronger. So during that time I decided that I was going to have an epidural because I thought that we wouldn't be having the baby till later that evening and I didn't think I could handle the contractions. Daddy came back up and I told him I wanted the epidural and we got that at about 10am. After I finished the epidural and they inserted the catheter they decided to check me. Low and behold I was dilated to a 7 already and 90% effaced! Gosh darn it! I ended up sleeping for an hour and half and we had Aaron Glenn Sovereen at 1:13pm. I probably would have had him sooner had I been unmedicated because as it was I was just hanging out waiting for the Dr to come over. The nurse said, We aren't going to be doing any practice pushing because the dr won't make it. The hardest part was not really feeling the contractions when it was time to push. Although I only had to push like 3x. Aaron was born just about 3 weeks early and he was 6 pounds 15 ounces and 19 inches long. Here Iam, smiling of course cuz I had my epidural.
Right after Aaron was born, it was so great, he has the sweetest lil kitten mewl cry.

Daddy took some of these when he went with him to have his bath.

Our sweet baby boy...

I couldn't wait to see my lil monkey and Grandma had did her hair so cute! We bought her a lil umbrella stroller for her and Grandma wrapped it for me and brought it up. I was so glad for that because when Grace first saw Aaron he cried and Grace stuck out her pouty lip and started to cry as well!! So she enjoyed pushing her lil stroller around with her baby in it. She was kinda fussy and onery that night and wasn't really interested in Aaron but has since warmed up to him and she loves kissing him and rubbing him and saying, "Night Night" (On a side note, she is getting so verbal these days and repeats back a lot of what we say and her vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds)

These are the most delicious chocolates ever. I am not a fancy chocolate fan, I usually prefer candy, but we tried these and Daddy got them for me!

Oh and I think I love them even more because they are just so incredible to look at too! The artistry is awesom, and they have these amazing flavors that are so light and fluffy!

I seriously could go on and on!

Here is little Aaron in the infant seat for the first time coming home from the hospital! He actually does look so tiny in this picture but I feel like he is soo fragil compared to how big Grace was when she was born. Not to mention I changed Grace's diaper tonight and that was weird because I hadn't done it in a few days and Aaron is so tiny compared to her. It felt like I was changing this big gigantic muscle! LOL!

And this is yesterday I believe, in our room and I know its dark. I have a clear pic with his eyes open on my phone I will try to upload that is better.

Well this post ended up not being very short and I had to nurse Aaron and tend to him a few times while writing this but that is the gist of what we have been up too. Last night our first night at home was rougher than at the hospital. At the hospital he slept soundly, nursed and then back to sleep in his lil bassinet. At our house he didnt like sleeping in his lil crib by my bed and kept making mewly crying noises all night unless I was holding him. Also halfway thru the night he had a dry diaper till like 11am this morning so that kinda freaked me out. I think he may have a hard time with gas. Finally at around five I was kinda asleep holding him on the couch and I startled myself awake and was freezing. I started shivering and felt him but he was toasty warm. I hurried and came back to the bedroom and got covered up and Daddy went and turned the heat up. Weird. But then we all slept good till about 830.
Ok well its getting late and I should try to get some sleep!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

If Your Happy & You Know It!

So I just had to keep Grace up a little bit longer to get theses videos for you. Normally getting ready for a bath and bed is always a struggle because she knows bedtime is coming. Although whenever I lay her down she snuggles right in and doesn't act up. So tonight I had her bath all ready and was getting her undressed for it and I started singing, If Your Happy and You Know it. Apparently she knew this song already and it was so cute because for once it was an easy diaper change and quick bath.

Also in the one video you can see my pregnant belly and since I didn't post anything for 36 weeks that is what you get. I think its kind of funny though that you can't tell I am pregnant when she is sitting in my lap. She has no idea either that my big belly doesn't move when she sits there and she is constantly sitting down and trying to scoot back against me. (Not comfortable let me tell you). My next prenatal is 3 days away and I will be 37 weeks I can't wait! I have been having some crazy dreams lately too! Which isn't unusual for me because I tend to dream really vividly, but these dreams are all about babies, babies, babies.

Well I hope you enjoy these videos I certainly enjoyed singing with her and yeah for Wednesday tomorrow and the middle of the week already!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Just hanging Out

Grace loves finding her own shoes and getting my shoes and Daddy's shoes, taking them here and there.

I took a video of her walking in Daddy's sandals. We had a 3 day weekend this weekend and it was great. Today I hung out with Grace and Daddy had to work so we tried to stay out of his way. We did laundry, lots of laundry and I also did some baby laundry too! I have been meaning to get that ready forever. So my newborn clothes are pulled out of the box and washed and folded now. (Granted they aren't put away yet) Also I had daddy pull the bassinet out from under the stairs and I still have to wipe that down and wash the linens for it, but at least its out.
Friday is my next prenatal and I can't wait! Part of me wants to have this baby now and part of me figures he can come on his due date! I will let everyone know if there are any new updates in the mean time.
Oh and tonight Daddy made the yummiest homemade spaghetti with tomatoes and herbs from the garden! Delicious!!!!!! He froze half of the sauce so we have one meal for when lil brother comes.
Hope you all had a great weekend and enjoy!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Singin in the Shower

So I don't know what happened with the video. Sorry everyone, I think it may have to do with me recording while on vibrate. Thats what I get for being sneaky, I suppose. When I watch it on my phone it plays sound, but I text it to daddy last night and he couldn't hear it either. My actual due date is Nov 5th and tomorrow I am 36 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wha Hoo!! I have been feeling a lot of tightening lately which I only recently assumed was Braxton Hicks. I don't know why but I thought it was the lil man pushing against me, and then I read something and thought, "Silly that must be contractions." I had a lot tonight while at dinner, and for the most part I usually don't even notice them unless they are lasting a longer period of time. Of course you can have those and they don't mean you are any closer to going into labor.

Daddy came home tonight! Yay! We are so glad to have him back! I think I am especially glad this trip just because I am so tired and Grace can be so persnickety these days about changing her diaper and wanting to do things herself. So between trying to get to work on time and have a unruly toddler just wears a pregnant mommy out! And despite the fact that each night I tell myself to go to bed early, I just don't end up doing that when Daddy isn't here. But he is here now! We went to a new restuarant called NYPD Pizzeria, its supposed to be authentic NY Pizza, but I wasn't super impressed with it. Plus poor Grace was over tired and hungry and it seemed to take even longer then to get our pizza.

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday even though I have to work on Saturday, but we do have Monday off because of Columbus Day. I love bank holidays!

The following video is not one I posted yet, although I took it a week ago. She used to be freaked out about our shower but she has gotten used to it and now she can reach the handle. So I wanted to catch her singing in the shower. She was happy as a lark in there just singing along!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I had to get gas on my lunch today, so on those days I try to run more errands, instead of take my usual nap. One of the things I did was head over to Kid to Kid a second hand childrens store that sells mostly clothes but toys and beds and such as well. Last year I got Grace's Moo Cow costume there for 5 bucks and I scored this Tiger costume today. Only 6.99, it feels brand new and should be warm for trick or treating. I may have mentioned before, but I am hoping this baby comes early so that I can take Grace out trick or treating. I am fine with him coming after Halloween too (I suppose...) but just not like the Friday before, I don't want to be stuck in the hospital! LOL! I was thinking tonight, that if that is the case Memaw and Daddy might have to do the duty and record video for Mommy! I was sneaky tonight and turned my phone on vibrate before I started slyly videoing Grace coloring. She says, "Color" so cute that I had to record it! And she just loves to color color color!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Some silly Pictures

I tried taking a video of Grace saying hi to daddy but then she wanted to just grab my phone from me so instead we started playing the, "lets take a picture of mommy and then Grace game". Here is where she took a picture of mommy, being silly.
Then here she is trying to mimic me!

She was hilarious!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Our Little Ham

I got the camera out and Grace wanted me to take her picture of her. Then she started being silly.
I said, "Stick out your tongue!"

Then I said, "Show me your teeth!"

Tonight we made a Rachel Ray receipe, a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich. With grilled onions, anaheim peppers and sweet peppers, skirt steak daddy cooked so good and a provolone cheese sauce. It was pretty good, next time we make we'll a few adjustments.

Grace has been so funny lately. Saturday night we got onto YouTube and showed Grace videos of horse back riding. She LOVED them!! So tonight before bed Daddy put some horse back riding and jumping for him and Grace to watch. I was trying to fold some clothes but Grace kept patting the pillow and giving me her Gracie smile of encouragement. So I laid down next to her in our bed and the three of us watched the equestrian videos. She kept saying, "Wow!" and yelling and exclaiming when the horses would jump or trot.
Then after the last video Daddy tried to get a goodnight kiss, but she was being a stinker pot. So then daddy and I kissed each other and then quickly kissed her and she busted out laughing! After that she would put her hands behind our heads and make us kiss each other and then we would kiss her right after! She thought that was hilarious!
What a blast we had this weekend with our sweet lil girl!

Friday, October 1, 2010

35 weeks

I did a pic of both sides of the belly this time!
I am 35 weeks today! Exactly 3 weeks from her 35th week Grace was born! The lil man is about 5 1/4 pounds and over 18 inches long! Most of his physical development is complete and he is gaining weight. Speaking of gaining weight, I have gained 18 pounds total so far which is good. I think it must be all in the baby, because my stretch mark is getting redder and longer, about an inch. Which aint to bad either! I don't feel like I have gained 3 pounds since last time. I am feeling more and more achy and tight and creaky all the time. More pains and muscle/nerve pain whenever I walk. And when I stand a lot my back hurts more, so I tend to sit a lot. Luckily at work my chair is pretty comfortable and I don't notice the achiness unless I am standing at the teller line. So I had my prenatal appointment this morning and I have to say I am super pumped. The dr did the Group B swab and will send that in for analysis of course. He also checked to see if he could feel the baby's head and he believes the baby's head is down and near the pelvis or something like that. He also said that I was 1-2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced already! Woo Hoo, my next appointment is on October 15th. (I had previously thought that we were going to weekly appointments but I was wrong). He had just scheduled todays back to back because he does the Group B test at 35 weeks. After the 15th then he said we would be going to weekly appointments. Start making your bets folks! I don't know about you but I am so glad that it's Friday. We don't have anything going on at all, probably just some relaxing and laying around. Grace has been so cute lately and her vocabulary is just increasing all the time. She loves to color and we have been working on saying the names of the crayons or different colors. She also loves reading the book Goodnight Moon and its almost like reading Where's Waldo because there is a tiny mouse on a bunch of different pages and she finds the mouse every time now! She thinks she is hilarious too by the way and she loves saying, "Ha Ha!" Daddy's leg is healing nicely. He has a new prescription for his excema, he is suppose to use that in addition with his other and cover his finger with like a glove thingy just for his finger overnight in order for it to really soak in. I told him I think it is stress related how he has been getting multiple "break outs" on that hand and how that finger won't heal. Hopefully he won't lose that fingernail. The dermatologist said she might have to give a cortisone shot in that fingernail so he doesn't lose it, if the new prescription doesn't work. So hopefully that won't happen. Daddy has to go out of town next week so hopefully that goes smoothly for him and he has a safe trip and everything goes smoothly for us as well. Hopefully you all have a nice weekend!