Friday, October 15, 2010

What we have been up too...

Ok So I am going to try to make this a short post. :) Tuesday night Daddy and I went to bed and at 1:40 in the morning I bolted awake because my water broke. And seriously it was like the movies! With Grace I had been feeling contractions before I had noticed my water broke partially. This time I was laying there, asleep and felt a sudden goosh of water like a cupful! I sat straight up and my pajama pants were soaked!

Daddy was already awake because he wasn't sleeping very well, and so we turned the light on and started talking about going into the hositpal. Grandma came up to stay with Grace and the dogs and we got checked in around 330 in the morning. We chilled out till about 8am, sleeping and relaxing. I wasn't having bad contractions and was going to try and not have an epidural. Because my water had broken they didn't check me to lessen the risk of infection. At about 8 the nurse came in and said that my Dr wanted to put me on pitocin because my contractions weren't really progressing like they thought. Daddy and I had a conversation about that and then we decided to go ahead with the pitocin slowly to try to get my contractions regular and about 3 min apart. Daddy left at about 9:25 to eat some breakfast before the cafeteria closed at 930 and during the time my contractions were getting stronger. So during that time I decided that I was going to have an epidural because I thought that we wouldn't be having the baby till later that evening and I didn't think I could handle the contractions. Daddy came back up and I told him I wanted the epidural and we got that at about 10am. After I finished the epidural and they inserted the catheter they decided to check me. Low and behold I was dilated to a 7 already and 90% effaced! Gosh darn it! I ended up sleeping for an hour and half and we had Aaron Glenn Sovereen at 1:13pm. I probably would have had him sooner had I been unmedicated because as it was I was just hanging out waiting for the Dr to come over. The nurse said, We aren't going to be doing any practice pushing because the dr won't make it. The hardest part was not really feeling the contractions when it was time to push. Although I only had to push like 3x. Aaron was born just about 3 weeks early and he was 6 pounds 15 ounces and 19 inches long. Here Iam, smiling of course cuz I had my epidural.
Right after Aaron was born, it was so great, he has the sweetest lil kitten mewl cry.

Daddy took some of these when he went with him to have his bath.

Our sweet baby boy...

I couldn't wait to see my lil monkey and Grandma had did her hair so cute! We bought her a lil umbrella stroller for her and Grandma wrapped it for me and brought it up. I was so glad for that because when Grace first saw Aaron he cried and Grace stuck out her pouty lip and started to cry as well!! So she enjoyed pushing her lil stroller around with her baby in it. She was kinda fussy and onery that night and wasn't really interested in Aaron but has since warmed up to him and she loves kissing him and rubbing him and saying, "Night Night" (On a side note, she is getting so verbal these days and repeats back a lot of what we say and her vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds)

These are the most delicious chocolates ever. I am not a fancy chocolate fan, I usually prefer candy, but we tried these and Daddy got them for me!

Oh and I think I love them even more because they are just so incredible to look at too! The artistry is awesom, and they have these amazing flavors that are so light and fluffy!

I seriously could go on and on!

Here is little Aaron in the infant seat for the first time coming home from the hospital! He actually does look so tiny in this picture but I feel like he is soo fragil compared to how big Grace was when she was born. Not to mention I changed Grace's diaper tonight and that was weird because I hadn't done it in a few days and Aaron is so tiny compared to her. It felt like I was changing this big gigantic muscle! LOL!

And this is yesterday I believe, in our room and I know its dark. I have a clear pic with his eyes open on my phone I will try to upload that is better.

Well this post ended up not being very short and I had to nurse Aaron and tend to him a few times while writing this but that is the gist of what we have been up too. Last night our first night at home was rougher than at the hospital. At the hospital he slept soundly, nursed and then back to sleep in his lil bassinet. At our house he didnt like sleeping in his lil crib by my bed and kept making mewly crying noises all night unless I was holding him. Also halfway thru the night he had a dry diaper till like 11am this morning so that kinda freaked me out. I think he may have a hard time with gas. Finally at around five I was kinda asleep holding him on the couch and I startled myself awake and was freezing. I started shivering and felt him but he was toasty warm. I hurried and came back to the bedroom and got covered up and Daddy went and turned the heat up. Weird. But then we all slept good till about 830.
Ok well its getting late and I should try to get some sleep!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I loved reading your story and seeing all the great pics you guys got! So precious of both of them. And that candy looked so yummy!

Can't wait to get there and hold my precious grandson for the first time! And spend some time with my darling Grace and mama and daddy!