Let me tell you there is nothing like the feel of the sun on your shoulders driving down the road while you bee-bop your head with the radio.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Aaron's latest and greatest
I love his sweet smile. He has his hands in his mouth all the time. Earlier today he had his 1st finger of each hand in his mouth and it looked like he was trying to whistle.
His nails grow so fast and I am forever trimming them. He has the cutest little freckle on his forehead that appeared a few weeks ago.
His schedule has been getting more consistent. It seems like he likes to be up at 7am. He has been up that early everyday this week.
On a side note I worked out Tuesday and Thursday and Friday. Wednesday we had playgroup so I skipped it. I have the latest season of Biggest Loser on our DVR just waiting for the day when I would get the time to start working out after Aaron was born. I forgot that the episodes are 2 hours long! I have been only doing 25 minute workouts to start back up again to get in the groove. (And that's all the free Aaron time I can squeeze in). It has been great and I want to keep at it.
Time to jet off to bed!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Play Group and the Zoo?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Hey Hollywood!
Daddy took my family to the airport really early and then headed up to Idaho for work. He is there overnight tonight, so hopefully he will have an easy day of it tomorrow and get back quickly.
Today the kids and I went out to Kohls because they are clearing out a bunch of stuff and so I got a couple of Tee shirts for me and 2 long sleeved shirts for Grace for $2 each. They also had sunglasses on sale so I got Grace a pair. She is so cute!
I have to tell you about my lil boy though. Last night we had the GREATEST night of sleep ever! I nursed Aaron at 6:30pm and then put him to bed at 7ish. I fell asleep shortly after 10pm. Aaron slept till a little after 2am! Yes that is like 7 hours! Awesome. Then I guess he woke up maybe 430, but daddy wrapped him up and I never heard him peep. Then he woke up at about 7am! It was great! I am going to have to try and wrap him up if he wakes like that again tonight. He has been such a joy lately. Well he is all the time, but he is getting so verbal. I know this video is sideways, I took it on my phone. But he got a great nap while we were at Kohls today and was so awake, talkative and wiggly today. In fact he has been getting a schedule lately. The last several days he has been awake at 7 for the day. So I decided yesterday that it was time to get back on the treadmill. When he goes down for his first nap of the day. Today he only slept from about 30 min, just enough time for me to walk on the treadmill for 25 min. But I did it and was planning on taking it easy today anyways.
Well I got to run. I cut Grace's bangs on a towel on my bed tonight, however she still managed to get hair all over the sheets. (Lesson learned) So I need to go grab them out of the dryer and make my bed and then go to bed! And call my husband! XOXO
Friday, February 18, 2011
To Wet Your Appetite...
Oh my I do have to say before I forget that my sweet Aaron has been sleeping pretty good! Although I am not sure if its because he may not be feeling up to par. Both kids have little colds I think. On Tuesday Grace slept for a 3 hour nap (usually only 2) and Aaron also got good naps. And then on Aaron went down to bed night before last at 8 like usual and slept till 2! And then again till 6! Yes! And then last night was almost as good he slept from 8-midnight and then till 5am! And today he had the best naps ever! He slept while we went out, ran to the bank, and a few other places probably for about 2 hours. Then he nursed while I ate lunch and promptly fell back asleep. And then he slept from about 2-5pm! I couldn't believe it! I normally don't let him nurse to sleep anymore, but he must have needed the sleep. So anyway, I am hoping he continues this trend.
Isn't he just got the sweetest smile?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Busy Valentines Day
Then we took some of our cookies to a friend of mine from work. It was a good day because she had stayed home from work today and was feeling down. She has some kitties and Grace loved playing with her cats and we hoped that seeing Grace and getting some yummy cookies helped cheer her up.
Then we went to Daddy's allergist and Grace went in with him while Aaron stayed with me in the car and slept till he woke up. Then off to Cafe Rio for lunch with Grandma. We exchanged Valentine treats. Then off to Grandma Lynn's work and quickly dropped off her cookies. Then back home for Grace's nap. After her nap she gave Daddy his Valentine present. A couple of T-Shirts and some candy. She had so much fun giving him her presents. She was so cute. "Oh Boy!" She kept saying. LOL
I took the picture below at lunch and she was telling me she is 2! Look how cute she is!
And this was in the car after Air Bear woke up.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Dinner at Virgs'
Tonight we went to a new place for dinner. It's this home style place called Virg's. They have all sorts of really good food. I've seen the place from the freeway a million times and never thought to try it. My husband got a couple chili Verde burritos and I got a bacon cheeseburger and we got Grace a plain cheeseburger. The food was HUGE! And really good too! We couldn't help but crack up as we watched Grace chow down on her food. Her burger was easily twice as big as a normal burger we would get her. We were amazed that she ate most of it and fries! I had to get my phone out and take a video of her chomping her down.
I also took a video of my little boy (while I was waiting for Grace to finish chewing a bite) and he was giving me great smiles.
Lately he has been really showing his personality. He has been cooing a lot and I mimic him and he loves it. He also does sort of a little scream when he coos as well and it just cracks me up. He is getting so big and he has his 4 month check up on Monday.
We got back from dinner and promptly put on How to Train Your Dragon for Grace. She has been dying to watch a "show". So we finally got to the end of the week and let her stay up late to watch it. We put it on and she was like, "Show Time, Show Time". What a hoot. Oh and another thing that she did that was so funny today. Whenever she misbehaves (what? Grace misbehaving...no way...) she has to sit against the door to the garage for a 2 minute time out. Then she has to say sorry and then we hug and kiss after we talked about why she was on a time out. She is so funny so today she went on time out for something and there happen to be one of her little dollhouse dolls next to her. It was the Grandma doll. She kept saying Mam-ma Mout. (Grandma Time out) and then she was sitting her propped up against the door. Monkey See Monkey Do! Anyway, time to jet, enjoy the videos they are fun!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Doe A Deer....
This morning I went out to see the damage and took some pictures. See that white part in the middle that looks kinda like scratches? That is actually deer fur. Gross. Yes the headlight is totally gone.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
So Monday of this week I actually had some free time when both Grace and Aaron were napping at the same time (Yay!) and busted open the paint colors I had chosen and did this painting. Basically had no real design. I wanted to do something abstract that was peaceful because I was going to hang it in our room. I just love color! What do you all think??
The camouflage boy is not part of the decor! And I wasn't purposefully trying to camouflage him either... LOL!
Grace has found a new fun hobby and that is climbing all over our bed. We rotate our mattress and when its rotated like it is now she can climb up way easier.
After she plops down to the floor she says, "I fall!" she totally landed on her feet! When she follows me up the stairs she goes, "I following!"
Today we went to our first play group. It wasn't close to us and I got a little lost, oh well but we did make it! There were to mom's there. One has a little boy who is 20 months and the other had a little boy who is 11 months. Grace had fun and she loved the fact that they had a tiny slide when we walked in. "Shide!!!!"
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
frog, lil brother, drawings and what we have been up to...
Hey Frog! I see you!
Grace is such a great big sister. I tell her, "Grace go smile at Aaron he is fussing!" And she will go play with him a little bit and spin the frog, or spin his chair to look at something else.
It's hard to get actual smiles from Grace these days because she just loves saying cheese. So this was a good one to get.
Tomorrow we are going to a play group we signed up with our church. Grace is so cute. We have been going to The Roch Church and on Sunday I said, "Are you excited to go to church?" And then she replied, "CHURCH!!!!" She really likes going. Daddy and I have signed up for a small group to try and get connected and we are excited to see how that goes.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A trip to Costco and one cool girl..
I grabbed up the kids late this afternoon after Aaron was done nursing and hauled them off to Costco. It wasn't a big deal I was only there to get diapers for Grace. Today the coupon was effective and saving six bucks was alright with me. Grace had my sunglasses and was cracking me up! She had them up on her head first and was like, "Helllooo, How YOU doing??" Anyways so I grabbed the phone and started videoing. All along trying not to run into other people! Hope you enjoy!