Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sunday at the dog park

Sunday after church we picked up Kayla and headed up to Tanner Park for some lunch and play time. We hadn't been in awhile and it was fun to get out and enjoy Kayla's company and watch her run around as well.
 Say What??

Our independent youngest, yes she wanted to walk and Grace wanted to they did. 

But we were moving a bit slow, as one would expect so we plopped her down on the front...she did really well surprisingly. I was watching like a hawk to make sure her dress didn't get caught or some other catastrophe.

Right after he through his hat in the creek...we made him put it back on.

Whats a little wading with your church dress? Or sitting? Luckily I had a swim diaper in my bag. 

Kayla having a leisurely swim.


Eating apples with the skin and all is only OK if you starving while hiking at the dog park.
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