Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas Shopping for Pookie

On Saturday we went Christmas shopping for Grace at Toys R Us and got her some presents. We decided to just buy a couple of things because she really won't understand the whole concept and she doesn't need a lot either!
Here is a stocking stuffer we got her. Can you imagine our sweet lil girl broke her other Grace sippy cup?? Yep a toss off the side of the high chair took out one of the handles. It still works but we thought that this one has a straw-like spout and a strap for her to carry around when she is a lil bit bigger. Cute.
The Poppy thing to push around. She liked it, I let her test it out in the store.
Actually we let her test everything out!

The ever classic See N Say. Fun!

So we also made a list of other Christmas toys other people can choose to purchase for the Lil Miss. We would like to have some more wooden blocks, she has colored shape blocks that she loves. Also some Lego Duplos. Those are the bigger Legos for younger ages, that they can't swallow. Please normal colors if you buy these, regular blue, red and yellows. No pink princess styles. :) Also we found the Playskool Busy Pop something er rather. I forgot what its called exactly but remember its a classic. You either push a button or flip a switch or turn a dial and the door pops open to reveal a lil plastic animal? That was on our list. Also any of those bead chaser thingys. They are wire in funny shapes and swirls and loop d loops and have beads on them that you can chase along. Thats not too confusing is it? LOL and then lastly we were looking at some kind of riding lil train or car or tricycle. Just one of those cars she can sit on and push with her feet along. So that is some other ideas for toys and you know what we bought her for Christmas already so hopeful thats helpful!
Oh and this video of Grace is with this green squishy ball we bought her. She loved it in the store! We had to search threw the bin to try to find one that wasn't grimy. Then when we got home I wanted to video her laughing with this ball and realized as you will see that this is definetly a supervised toy! Lol. But she just thinks its amazing!
KSov is going out of town next week so I will try to post some stuff, but it not be that frequent!

1 comment:

SOVEREEN'S :) said...

She will love all of those! My boys had variations on all of them and loved everyone. I can't believe how big she is, time flies when you are in a different state:)