Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just one cutie pie

I love how Grace is all about her babies these days. She has three. This one here. And two small ones. One her Nana gave her and the other her Yia Yia sent her. She is always tucking her babies into Aaron's cradle (with her blankies) or now into his exersaucer or sitting them at her little table. She also sets the table for them like a real tea party. We got her one of those bottles that the juice or milk disappears when you turn it upside down. Yet she doesn't play pretend with it with her babies, probably because Aaron doesn't take a bottle. Although I haven't seen her pretend nurse either! She does tell me when I need to nurse Aaron though, so bossy.
Oh I just remembered, I am not sure if I told this story about Grace but I will again in case I didn't. So during December I moved our "buffet" from where it was next to the fireplace to the other side of the room in front of the window in the dining area. Basically behind the kitchen table. I did that so I could make room for the Christmas tree. Well long after the Christmas tree was gone the buffet was still behind the table. Every night when we would eat dinner Grace would sit across from herself and make faces and just look at herself the whole time! We would try not to laugh and encourage her vain little self! I finally moved it back on Monday, when I did the floors.
I am still working on my cleaning schedule. I have been implementing it slowly, seeing what works and what doesn't. I have changed from doing laundry on the weekends to Thursday & Friday depending on what I need to wash. Mondays I try to do the floors and I dusted a little bit today and hung some pictures. Oh and I also organized under my bathroom cabinets and our master bath and love how it turned out.
This weekend we are having a SuperBowl Party and celebrating Grandma Janeen's birthday as well. I think I am going to be making a big ole pot of Chicken Tortilla Soup and so we are looking forward to that.
Anybody else having a party? And good party ideas?

1 comment:

Beth said...

That is the most precious picture of her with Grace with her baby! So sweet. I know you are enjoying being a SAHM and I am so happy you are able to!

We are just having finger food for Super Bowl...keeping it simple. I haven't decided yet what kind of finger foods, though. LOL!