Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Days

I have been trying to take pictures of the kiddos a lot.  Sarah has some really cute summer outfits.  Although she doesn't really like her swing...at all.  Well unless Grace is talking to her in it, then she is quiet.  Grace loves being a big sister, she is always telling Sarah.  "It's all right, Sarah, its ok."

 Aaron loves Sarah but right now he loves Grace even more.  He does everything she does.  She goes into my room and gets some Q Tips, he goes and gets some.  She sticks the Q Tips in her belly button, so does he. Aaron's favorite words right now are, "No, Ow and Hot."  Everything is hot (even when it's not) and of course he gets an Owie every five minutes, which I quickly kiss better so he can continue in his play.

Sarah is still a pretty easy going baby, except she likes being walked around.  I will carry her around like a football except facing her out and she will pass out.  She smiles at me a lot, especially after she has just nursed and has a full happy little belly.  Today she has been fussy and wanting to be held a lot and nursing for comfort. 
Yesterday it was really hot, but today the wind picked up and the temperature dropped.  I sun screened up the kids and headed over to playgroup, but it was so windy we all stayed inside.  It was so windy I think it gave me a sinus headache.  I don't know why it is that whenever I am nursing a newborn I get bad sinus headaches-really!
K helped bath the big kids and I gave Sarah a bath.  K put the kiddos down to bed while I nursed Sarah but she was being stubborn and didn't want to go to sleep.  So K then walked and rocked her to sleep while I took a shower.  I feel a little bit better and we are watching a movie now.  Time to get off the computer and hit the hay early (after the movie that is!). Night!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Grace's expressions are so sweet in these pics. What a sweet big sister she is. So cute of the three of them! Miss and love you all!