Thursday, December 3, 2009

Uh, Oh, Eating dinner, and Cabinet Play

Here are some videos I took tonight. She is saying Uh-Oh which I credit to being her first word because I can see she understands what it means-mostly. :) She loves opening the cabinets and the drawers so much now. Oh and also we discovered her first tooth about 3-4 days ago? Sorry I haven't been a very good blogger. Especially since I have had more free time this week. You see I decided to work out on Saturday before our big football party (which was a ton of fun by the way even though the Utes lost) and so I was pumped. I started running after a 5 minute warm-up I was running for 15 min and then really felt like I could go for 20 and did. After my cool down I got off the treadmill and totally felt like a gimp. I had pain in my lower back kinda in my butt and upper leg. And I still have this pain! Tonight was the first night I worked out since Saturday because I was hoping my leg/back/butt would heal. But it hasn't and I can't figure out what the deal is. I definetely can't run and only walked tonight. But I don't want to lose anything I have gained so far. Oh and I some kinda of mini stomach flu on Monday night. I stayed home with Pooks on Monday and KSov was out of town for the night. At around 11pm I got off the phone with him and started feeling nausus (sp?) I finally threw up at 2am and was able to sleep the rest of the night. Thanks goodness! I felt quesy the rest of the day. But it was so weird. KSov and Pooks haven't gotten it so who knows.

But yeah with all the time I spent resting you would think I would have used it to update my blog! Well its getting late here gotta jam! xoxox



she is so cute, i think i could just watch videos of her all day long :). and way to go on that asparagus...yummy!

Beth said...

Oh so adorable!!! A tooth! yay! And the uh-oh is so cute! Love that sweet little darling. I'm sorry you pulled a muscle sweetie. Walking is probably best and wait to run until it is better. I am so proud of your progress and dedication. I love you!

SOVEREEN'S :) said...

Don't you just love all the freakin' cute stuff kids do! They are so much fun...most of the time;) Sorry to hear you are hurting still. Life is always harder when you have to deal with an injury:(