So over at Kelly's Korner Blog she is doing show us your churches. I have never participated before but I wanted to this time because we have really enjoyed going to our church. We started going to The Rock Church last spring/summer when I was pregnant but stopped going towards the end of my pregnancy. Then we started going again at the beginning of the year and have been going every Sunday since. When we started looking for a church we found a bunch of different options. We found a large church that was really hip with a lot of young people that were our age or 20 somethings. We also found a teeny tiny just started church were we felt like everyone was watching us. And a few others that we were kind of lost in. When we went to The Rock we stepped into a church that was in a rented building (we are trying to get money raised to build) but it wasn't super tiny. They had a rocking worship band which we liked. They have separate rooms for the babies and 2/3 year olds and up. We can drop the kids off and they have a # they assign and we can watch for our number, but also lots of people bring their babies into the service as well, they just step out quietly if the child is making noise. In fact the last 2 Sundays I have had to get Aaron and nurse him and then come back in for the last little bit and the worship song, and he did good both times. (The first time he surprised me because I thought the loud music would bug him, but it didn't) The Rock has 3 different services, a Saturday night service in Salt Lake (downtown) and Sunday morning services 9:30 & 11:15 in Sandy and Provo. We go to the second service in Sandy which is about 20 minutes from us. (Provo is way south about an hour). With the people at The Rock you just feel comfortable to be yourself, you don't have to get dressed up super nice if you don't want, but you can too. You can worship how you want, they also serve coffee and water in the mornings (in Utah that's a big deal). We have gotten plugged in with a small group that meets on alternating Mondays, we are getting to know those people and their kids. I also have joined a play group with other moms that go to The Rock as well and enjoy the mommy bonding time. One of my favorite things about going to The Rock is that Grace absolutely loves church! When we are at the stoplight right before church she yells out, "Church!!!" and points to it. Sometimes she randomly asks me if we are going to church and I will have to tell her no, but we will go on Sunday or Monday night. (Currently our small group is meeting in the church building). Of course it may have something to do with the fact that in her room at church there is a slide, and well if any of you know Grace, you know she loves a slide! Ha! Anyway, if anybody is from Utah or coming here and looking for a church they should try The Rock. I added a link up above to their website! On another wonderful note, it was so nice today!!! It was about 60-65 maybe today and sunny. Daddy and I got the kids, a blanket, some fruit and the jogging stroller and walked to the park. Grace had her little tiny heart so full with fun in the sun today I just don't think it could have gotten any better! She loves loves loves being outside. Today she started a stick collection at the park. Then we walked over to Wendy's and had some lunch before walking home and taking naps. Unfortunately I forgot to sunscreen us up (normal I am a sunscreen nazi) but the kids were covered up with long sleeves and jackets and blankets so I didn't think about it so much. Grace got a little bit of sun on her hands (and really have you ever seen someone get sun on the tops of their hands?) But I don't think it bothers her at all! Then we watched the 3rd Shrek movie and I put Aaron to bed...easily!!!!! Oh and I almost forgot the best news yet!!!! Last night Aaron slept from 1am -8am! Awesome huh! He is loving his barley cereal. He is such a happy little boy, so sweet. Tomorrow its supposed to be highs of 68 degrees, and boy am I loving that! Of course then its supposed to rain and possibly snow on Sunday. I am ok with that though because I need to get back into gear and get ready for shorts and flip flops! I had a GREAT DAY...hope you did too!